How to use a bus in Vladivostok

You are here, because you want to know how to use bus in Vladivostok. Bus is pretty much the only public transport in town and it can take you to most places.

First advice – use google maps. They are very accurate for Vladivostok, show all stops and all routes.

There is no any sort of card system for public transportation, so you only pay with cash (no credit cards!). Cost of a ride to pretty much anywhere is around 21-25 rubles (may vary depending on a year you read this), which is less than half of dollar.

Usually you enter through the door in the middle and exit through the front door, where you pay cash to the driver. Drivers usually have change from any bill, except maybe 5000 rubles, so you don’t need to have exact amount with you. Simply give money to the driver when you exit.

There are no special rules for driving in a bus. Sometimes people give place to elderly, but it is totally up to you.

You may also experience riding on small buses called “marshrutka” if you go to some residential neighborhoods, but not likely. In them you can’t stand, only seat. If bus is full it might skip the stop if nobody gets off. You also need to announce the name of the stop where you need to get off when you approach it. It is stressful even for me, so may be avoid riding on marshrutkas.

Bus stops sometimes can be identified by a sign of a bus stop, also buy sign with a name of bus stop (always only in Russian) and in some cases just by a bench near the road. Identifying stops usually not very hard, but better to know where exactly you get off, because nobody will speak English on a bus or any other language besides Russian.

There is sort of schedule for buses, but it is usually very inaccurate, because of traffic and many other reasons. Also the latest bus is usually around 22:30, but may be even earlier, so have a backup plan if bus doesn’t show up.